Real world strategies with practical steps to execute and win in your life of finance and human relations. 


I’m a 29 year old Father, Husband, Airline Pilot, Entrepreneur and Speaker. I truly believe with a Mission Mindset people can maximize their potential and achieve incredible things! Of course, mindset alone won’t do the trick you need real practical strategies  that you can apply. I want to help you win in finance and human relations with proven steps that I have used to join the top 1% of wealth accumulation for my age!


After reaching rock bottom; divorced, in debt, and a complete loss of self-confidence with barely a dime, i was coached by Joe for 4 months straight and he truly turned my life around. He restored my energy for life, showed me how to build value in myself, and boosted my credit score 76 points while getting rid of half my debt and saving money. He had me "winning daily" with goal setting and accountability that ensured I progressed, and opened my eyes wide to the world of money and managing it. Learn from his programs, he was focused mainly on his flight school but after I saw what he did for me; i convinced him the world needed his help and hence he launched this company with a mission of helping people win.
Jacky Munoz
Flight Attendant
Joe helped me realize how relationships with people open doors for opportunity. We all know you need to communicate effectively, but the ability to influence others towards positive outcomes is truly a science. Joe makes it easy to learn in his video lessons and they helped me get a raise at my job! Not only that, I actually know what to do with my money now! Thanks Joe!
Kevin Baysinger
Hotel Sales

This Munoz Mission podcast is your place for Money, Motivation, and Communication tips relevant to you and your world! It's full of real strategy to help you excel in life and get you dialed in to having a no retreat  Mission Mindset!


Want me to speak on finance, communication, goal setting, and maximizing potential? I would love to teach proven strategies to your crowd and get them mission minded for success!

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